Tag: manjež

Just imagine… A pleasant, chilly, early morning on the outskirts of Belgrade. Sun rays are peeping out behind the low residential buildings across the road, and breaking through the clouds dust that rises from the ground, just to rest on the face of the young lieutenant of the Royal Guard. He takes out his fire steel and the flint, lits his rolled cigarette and prepares for the muster. The neighing and snorting, the clip-clopping of horses and the banter of youngsters wearing their perfectly ironed uniforms echo between the low barracks and stables. The horse-car tumult and the giggling of the young dames…

Samo zamislite… Prijatno, pomalo prohladno, rano jutro na beogradskoj periferiji. Zraci sunca se pomaljaju iznad niskih stambenih zgrada preko puta i lome se kroz oblake prašine koja se uzdiže sa tla, dok obasjavaju lice mladog gardijskog poručnika. On vadi kremen i kresivo, pali na brzinu smotanu cigaretu i sprema se za smotru. Među niskim vojnim objektima i štalama čuju se topot i rzanje konja, vika mladića u savršeno ispeglanim uniformama, dok iz pravca Nemanjine ulice dopire zvuk tramvaja sa konjskom vučom i razdragani kikot mladih gradskih dama koje su pošle u jutarnji “špacirung”. Mladi oficir provešće još jedan uobičajeni dan…