Shtayga Belgrade
SHTAYGA. The name is derived from the German word Steige meaning a climb or a steep rise. What used to be an elite part of Belgrade at the end of the nineteenth century has become a gathering spot of people of dubious morals – e.g. illegal taxi drivers, thieves, drunkards and backend prostitutes. As it is the shortest path towards the city center, most of the less fortunate newcomers to Belgrade (that is those who don’t arrive by plane) get to pass through it. SHTAYGA encircles the space around the central coach and railroad terminal and the St Nicholas Park (which was aptly named the pizza park, as pizza is a Serbian equivalent for jenny). This pretty ugly spot becomes even uglier at night, as it is the rendevouz point for the streetwalkers from the underbelly of Serbia's capital.

The slang toponym has become so established among Belgarders, that an underdressed or just skankily attired lady would be immediately labelled as "Ripe for Shatyga".

As inappropriate as it may seem we do have some lovely serviced apartments close to SHTAYGA. However, we will let those really keen on booking them to do the research themselves.