Dwaespetee (25th)

Former Sports center 25th May
Dwayespetee 25th (May) happens to be a very prominent date for those who were (un)fortunate enough to experience life in former Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia - “The youth day” or the birthday celebration of “the greatest son of all our nations and nationalities” Marshall Josip Broz Tito. For certain generations of Belgraders, 25th summons a mental image of a sports center that nowadays bears the name Milan Gale Muškatirovich. The place was the only summer resort for many inhabitants of Dorchol during the 90s when most of the decent folks could only dream about going to the seaside. Consequently, it was a spot of many stolen towels and american sneakers (considered pretigeous at the time).  Today it’s a pretty damn good sports facilities complex with a multitude of sports terrains and most importantly great swimming pools (both indoor and outdoor).  If you’re staying in PALACE, PRAGUE, TZAR or BUDDHA and you’re fond of swimming, do check out the the 25th – it’s open till 11pm throughout the week.