Dwayesdewetog (29th)
For over half a century, Despot Stephan Boulevard carried the name of the birthdate of the former People’s republic - the 29th of November. For many a Belgrader it still does.
The street becomes progressively uglier as you get further away from the center towards the Panchevo Bridge and in the 1970s and 1980s it bore the unflattering title of the most polluted city street in Belgrade.
The memory of many Belgraders (especialy those who had requent trouble with the Law), the name 29th is more closely related to the building of the former Secretariate of Internal Affairs - in other word Police HQ. During the brutal times of the last couple of former states, it was the place where brutal people were treated brutally
Now, if an inhabtant of Belgrade says Dwaesdeweti or the 29th, be aware that he is most likely referring to the sinister looking building within it. Actually, if the person shrugs with obvious discomfort while metioning it, it may be sound to stay out of their way.
None of our Belgrade apartments are nearby.
RETURN TO BELGRADE SLANG TOPONYMY DICTIONARY The street becomes progressively uglier as you get further away from the center towards the Panchevo Bridge and in the 1970s and 1980s it bore the unflattering title of the most polluted city street in Belgrade.
The memory of many Belgraders (especialy those who had requent trouble with the Law), the name 29th is more closely related to the building of the former Secretariate of Internal Affairs - in other word Police HQ. During the brutal times of the last couple of former states, it was the place where brutal people were treated brutally
Now, if an inhabtant of Belgrade says Dwaesdeweti or the 29th, be aware that he is most likely referring to the sinister looking building within it. Actually, if the person shrugs with obvious discomfort while metioning it, it may be sound to stay out of their way.
None of our Belgrade apartments are nearby.