
Interior of Baneeya
The extent to which alcoholism is acceptable in Serbian society is perhaps best shown by the fact that certain city localities are named after kafanas (Serbian pubs). In times now past, the lack of entertaining commercial facilities was superseded by the low rates of excises – kafanas were the most visited places in Belgrade for the better part of the previous century. BANIJA [pronounced bah-nee-ya] (not to be confused with the geographical region in Croatia) is one of them.
When someone from Belgrade tells you to meet them at Baneeya, they are refering to the unsightly and shabby space with social-realist interior design at the crossroads of two busy Belgarde throughfares: Despot Stephan Street (formerly known as 29th) and George Washington Street. Even the nearby bus stop is so often called At Baneeya by thousands of commuters that the number of those who know its official name, remains restricted to employees of the name giving department within Belgrade’s public transport enterprise.Anyhoo, DRINA is the only of our Belgrade Apartments nearby.